Thursday, September 21, 2006

The Foundational Laws of Spiritual Physics

Over the past years, I have undergone a life-altering transition from living on autopilot to recreating my life as a spiritual calling and a force for good. One aspect of this transition has been the acknowledgement of what I call the "Foundational Laws of Spiritual Physics", detailed below. Basically, these laws state that any action that does not promote the overall betterment of mankind (or soul-kind, for that matter) is a waste of energy at best, and a horrifically destructive force at worst. Any person, life-path, or civilization that tries to deny these laws suffers the same fate as any material object that tries to deny the laws of material physics - it will be inherently unstable, unsupportable and destructive to itself (and probably to anything around it, as well).

We can see clear evidence of this anywhere we care to look. Indifference and emptiness are becoming a national pastimes, abuse begets further abuse, crime creates more crime (and increasingly more martial law enforcement in which mistakes are simultaneously costlier and less accountable for), communal violence that is not only tolerated, but actually glorified as entertainment, escalating nuclear "deterrence", retributive wars giving way to preemptive wars...the list goes unrelentingly on.

In fact, this unrelenting spiral of dispirited behavior is often so overwhelming that we sometimes just give up and quit looking altogether - out of fear, social pressures and the frustration that stems from the belief that nothing we could possibly do would help. We even go so far as to stifle our own divine nature as children of God - abandon our gifts, our purpose and our dreams - in order not to be denounced as selfish, egocentric or over-reaching by those who stand to benefit from our self-imposed impotence. Like the biblical servant who hid his gold talents rather than risk losing them in investment, we not only squander the potential God gave us to grow in this world, but, by refusing to stick our necks out and do something with ourselves, we are essentially returning our gifts unopened and saying that we just don't trust God to know what s/he was doing when we were created in the first place.

For our own good and for the good of all creation, we must stop our present descent into apathy. In the words of the Episcopalian Bishop, Phillip Brooks, we must each seek to, "Be such a [person], and live such a life, that if every [person] were such as you, and every life a life like yours, this earth would be God's Paradise." Remember the parable of the unfruitful servant, and commit to using your talents more wisely.

The Foundational Laws of Spiritual Physics

God is real

God is love - A lot of people go to a lot of trouble to convince others that God is spiteful, jealous, bigoted, discriminatory and even arbitrarily cruel - mainly to justify their own un-Godly behavior. Bullhockey! Remember - if it isn't good, it isn't God.

The opposite of love is fear - What we see as anger, hatred, indifference, bigotry, etc., is actually the manifestation of some fear - fear of loss, fear of insufficiency (love, food, money, status, etc), fear of exposure (hypocrisy, wrong-doing or even just imperfection) and so on. By focusing on eliminating the root causes of the fear, rather than simply dealing with the symptoms, we are able to treat and prevent problems as opposed to simply punishing them after the fact.

We are all children of God, and we are all one through God - There is no "you" separate from "me". All separateness is an illusion created by the limited perceptions of the material bodies (what I like to call our naked-ape suits) that our souls inhabit during their journeys.

You cannot affect the part without affecting the whole - Holding something back from another, or hurting another to protect or advance oneself, makes about as much sense as keeping all your money in your left pocket so that your right hand can't get to it, or cutting the fingers off of one glove and using them to double-insulate the other hand from the biting cold. Built into this law is the reality that what comes around, goes around. Good, bad, indifferent or just downright strange, the truth is, if you deal it at some point, you'll feel it at another. So behave. It's for your own good.

We are here for three reasons: to love each other, to learn from the world around us, and to grow and advance as spiritual beings - "Stuff happens!" is often God's way of accomplishing this. If you don't pay attention and fail to learn these lessons, stuff happens over and over until you get it right. (God apparently doesn't go in for social promotion - you've got to make a passing grade in order to move on.)

We each have our own unique Light - We each have special gifts, talents and abilities that, when cultivated, enable us to love, learn and grow with a richer enjoyment, deeper understanding and greater impact than "living on autopilot" alone could accomplish. We often feel this Light as an emotional pull towards a certain behavior or activity, a surge of energy and loss of time-sense when engaging in a certain activity or a feeling of some sort of purpose or destiny. When we follow this route, much less unpleasant stuff happens, and we "get" the rest of the stuff faster.

All strife and pain in the material world is caused by denial of these laws - 'Nuff said.

(c) Soni Pitts


Soni Pitts is the Chief Visionary Butt-Kicker of SoniPitts.Com. She specializes in helping others reclaim "soul proprietorship" in their lives and to begin living the life their Creator always intended for them.

She is the author of the free e-book "50 Ways To Reach Your Goals" and over 100 self-help and inspirational articles, as well as other products and resources designed to facilitate this process of personal growth and spiritual development.

Thought the Blueprinter and Mind the Builder

Intensive thought creates the blueprint that mind the builder employs to design, structure and engineer the reality desired for manifestation. It is important to take a very careful look, not just a surface glance, but a deeper look to discover and become more aware of the nature of one's own thinking and the impact it has upon one's experiential realities. As the vibration rate of the earth and one's resonating vibration rate increases, the nature of whatever one thinks will manifest more quickly as a living experience reality. 3rd density "time" does not exist in the 4th and 5th dimensions. As one's vibration rate, and that of the Earth increases to resonate with that of the 4th and 5th dimensions, former, lower vibration Earth "time" no longer exists and that desired manifests quickly.

As ascension vibration rates increase, time seems to accelerate, and will continue to do so, until it finally falls away into non-existence within the environs of higher dimensions where Earth "time" does not, cannot and no longer exists.

It is essential that one's thoughts, one's thinking be pure, clear, healthy and wholesome, in order to eliminate adverse and unwholesome living experience realities. It is important to carefully observe and control the nature of one's inner thoughts. One's inner talk becomes an automatic blueprint for the manifestation of one's outer walk of living experience.

power of the human mind - Copyright 2006 - Len Hascall: Originator of Vibration Science
Alternative science articles and news.

Try My New 'Thinking' Technique And See Changes To Your Life In Just Two Weeks

This technique is no different to making a commitment to starting a new diet, saving money, getting a new job, becoming more organised or whatever new action you commit to. For this technique to become effective and for you to actually see results, you must follow the techniques as directed and commit yourself to this process for a minimum of two weeks. If at the end of this time you can truly say you applied the techniques as directed and found no improvement to specific targeted areas of your life, I would like you to personally email me so I can discuss exactly which process you took. You have potentially enormous gains and very little to lose.

Have you ever wondered why some people are just so successful or so lucky in life? Do you put this down to money, chances, opportunities, situations, luck and good fortune? What would you think if I told you that it is possible to consciously create your own life? To think of how you want aspects of your life to be and for that to actually happen, as you thought it would? Some similar occurrences happen to us every day. You might decide you want lunch with your friend next week. That’s your goal or your intention.

You take whatever steps you need to and next week comes, you have lunch. Pretty simple really I mean we all set ourselves intentions every day and that we complete quite successfully. So where does that go wrong, why can’t we create our entire lives in this way? The honest and simple answer is that we can. The reality is that we don’t. Believing this can be quite difficult to get your head around. I am telling you that you can think quite easily how you would want to become and quite easily that is what you will become. Commit to this now for two weeks and I guarantee if you follow my instructions you will see improvement.

Two weeks is a short space of time – smaller intentions can often manifest themselves in days. Larger intentions may take longer – time becomes irrelevant once you see the initial two week changes.

You will notice major differences if you undertake these instructions as I have written them.

To enable you to notice improvement and actually notice that what you have thought has actually manifested itself, choose an area in your life where you want to make a change, find solution, seek guidance or direction or make improvement to. Think carefully about this before deciding. Each step of this process is as important as the next.

These techniques won’t work if you begin thinking lots of different things all at once, be very clear and concise with your intention. The biggest reason many people fail is not through lack of trying, it is that many people don’t actually define clearly enough what it is they actually want. I mean if you believe you are capable of being in a boring, mundane job for the rest of your life and you constantly think and voice these beliefs, this is ultimately your intention. You begin to attract what it is you seek and what you believe of yourself.

If you believe you will be highly successful and you constantly think and voice these beliefs as though you were actually highly successful, this is your intention and this is what you will ultimately attract. A few examples to get you thinking: change of job or seeking career direction, relationship issues and difficulties, stress over a particular issue/problem in your life, debt, ailment, health or well being, weight etcetera. Decided? If not consider this for a couple of days until you can arrive at an aspect of your life or a particular issue and commit to that. It doesn’t matter how huge it is. If you want a Ferrari and have no money, think about having that Ferrari.

Ridiculous as this sounds, I guarantee that you will begin to notice you see Ferraris everywhere or you read about them somewhere or they seem to just be present in some form or other in your life. If you continued and continued things would occur and your intention would become reality. Ridiculous I know but why is that?

Is it because you don’t believe that could ever happen? …….? By making the decision to commit to it you now need to move forward and envision beyond this point. If for example you are in debt you need to be consciously aware of your thinking.

Read that sentence again.

When you have thoughts around your debt, DO NOT give any thought whatsoever on the debt itself. Here’s the difference: Negative Debt Thought “I am so in debt, I can’t pay anything, how will I manage, everything is so bad, it will never get better” Positive Debt Thought “I am so happy, my life is perfect. I lead a positive life and enjoy wealth and the finer things in life; my bank balance is very healthy” The differences are obvious but just take a minute now to think how many times you had a negative debt thought. This ‘new thinking’ technique will ensure you begin to become what you are thinking. You are consciously creating a new direction in your life. Your thoughts are always positive in this direction. If you remain in this same thought process, you will begin to notice opportunities, situations or events that you are faced with that would help you arrive at your intention [i.e. be free from debt]. There is no explanation for this, it is how it is and it works.

I used to be sceptical about the positive breeds positivity statement. We all read self help books, we all try and improve and become more positive but frequently life takes over and we return to our same thinking and usual belief systems. This one is new and it does work. That’s it just those steps and if you do exactly as I have just described; you will notice a vast improvement in the specific area of your life. Smaller intentions are easier to achieve. A few more things that are of importance that you should be doing to enable you to notice difference in two weeks:

It will be difficult to at first consciously think about your thoughts as you are having them. Imagine having to just think about what you thought. Confuses the heck out of you. Keep doing it and you will find it just becomes easier and as you think positively for periods of time i.e. a couple of days continual positive thought in the direction of your intention you will find positive things happen to help you get closer to your intention becoming real.
There is no trick to this, it’s not magic or mystery. It is how it is, it works and when you begin to see that it has worked, that is when you can begin to continue with it and work on other areas of your life.
Always remain in the as is now you are thinking of the person you want to become, it is always as though you are living it now when you think about it. Let yourself feel positive about the whole thought in how you will be. Feel good about it, feel happy and feel really grateful this is going to happen for you.
If you are thinking negative thoughts around your debt [or whatever you intention, want, goal etc is] stop mid thought and turn it to a positive.
If something happens along the way that you feel moves you further into your debt concentrate harder on having positive thoughts and look at the situations you are faced with and ask yourself this important question each time:
“Will going with this action [it could be buying something on finance or credit for instance, something you also need?] move me closer to reaching my goal wealthy or set me back in reaching my goal.”
Continue to work towards your goal. You don’t have to do anything other than think those positive thoughts. What occurs in between will just occur and it is what you make of that occurrence that results in stepping towards your goal. It just happens that way, here’s an example:
I wanted a new sports car recently. I am getting it in two weeks. What happened in between happened. I did not give any thought to money or otherwise I just set out for it to happen, thought regular positive thoughts on how it would be and I manifested it, I got it.
When you think your positive thoughts, visualize them in your head. You know sometimes when you smell something, perfume maybe and it reminds you of a place you visited and you take yourself back to maybe sitting on the beach that kind of thing. Get good at doing that on what you want. See how you want it to be. Imagine yourself living a wealthy life with no worries of money. Imagine yourself the slim person you want to be etcetera. When you have your positive thoughts you visualize it as it is [i.e. as you want it to be].
There are many difficulties in sustaining these techniques and to completely embrace them to transform your life requires commitment to self discovery. Being in a position to feel happy and positive every day makes a different life than what we consider normal. Transforming your life to becoming as successful as you would want to be or as you would choose your life to be, enables you to understand a whole new belief system and the true meaning of life. Read it again, nothing I am saying goes against anything. I am just suggesting you consciously change your thoughts and adopt a new way of thinking. Remember, just as it is written for two weeks. For more information, solutions and life coaching consultation, contact orange gerbera peace ~ harmony ~ creation ~ solution

Shelley Costello is founder of orange gerbera and lives in beautiful green England with her two children, dog, cat and two horses.

orange gerbera ‘balance harmony creation solution’

for those seeking success, better life, transformation, help, advice, guidanceand coaching consulting projects / business solutions personal consultation and coaching

What Is Enlightenment?

You are where you are right now in life because of how far your conditioned mind has taken you. Since most of conditioning, social programming, is inhibitive, you will probably find that you have not come very far at all.

If you are like most people, your life is besieged with problems. You are facing one type of crisis or another. There is an imminent threat on the horizon and you have no idea how to deal with it.

Where did all these problems come from in the first place?

They came from your conditioned mind.

And how are you trying to solve these problems? Again, with your conditioned mind. In other words, you are asking the same trouble-maker who created all your problems to solve them. The result, of course, is only more entanglement.

Who you are is pure spirit. But your conditioned mind is what keeps you earthbound. It convinces you that not only is the physical world real, but so, too, are all the conventions taught by your society and your religion.

What makes this problem far worse is that your conditioned mind is conditioned not only by your current experience in this body, but by all the experiences in all your various bodies. This in Sanskrit is known as your samskaras.

It is for this reason that liberation appears so very difficult. Liberation is the acknowledgement of your own true nature, your essence quality of pure awareness. But time after time, you find yourself pulled into the gravitational field of problems. These problems exist as a deliberate attempt by the egoic mind to keep you lost in samsara, or worldly experience.

Thus, for the spiritual aspirant there are two forces. The ascending quality of pure consciousness and the descending quality of contaminated consciousness.

Pure consciousness is identical in all forms of matter, whether it is necessary to create the orbit of a planet or the growth of a flower or the life-force in a person. Contaminated consciousness, however, is diverse, and regulates itself according to the body and culture. It believes in the immortality of the personality and the physical form although all evidence shows that these are ephemeral. It does everything to cement this conviction. Thus, all it's energies are based on survival of the body-mind complex. This is an impossible agenda.

Those who seek liberation pursue sadhana, or a spiritual path. The entire purpose of sadhana is to remove the conditioning from the mind so that it perceives it's own truth.

Who is being liberated? It is not the atman, the pure self, the awareness without attributes, it is manas, the conditioned mind alone that needs to drop its agendas that keep you earth-bound and on the kharmic wheel of death and rebirth.

Mind is split. One part of it longs for liberation. The other is earth-bound and resists it.

The mind that longs for liberation is the ascending mind. This is the witnessing mind. This is what is awake in you.

The mind that fights against truth is the descending mind. This is the conditioned mind. This is what keeps you asleep.

Once you learn to distinguish the ascending mind from the descending mind, your sadhana will speed up considerably.

It is mind that is liberated, not the atman, the soul, the pure essence. The liberation is when the ascending mind becomes clear and powerful, until the experience is that of no-mind and witnessing mind.

But as long as you have a conditioned mind, you will always have troubles of one kind or another because this is the mission of this mind, to entangle the being in sentience and deny it the freedom of its true unified nature.

Saleem Rana would love to share his inspiring ideas with you. Hunting everywhere for a life worth living? Discover the life of your dreams. His book Never Ever Give Up tells you how. It is offered at no cost as a way to help YOU succeed.

Are You Ignoring That Little Thought?

What happened to that brilliant idea that you once had?

Did you ignore it because you thought that it was just a little thought?

Have you ever considered what that little thought would have become if you had acted on your instincts or if you had paid more attention to it?

Imagine a scenario, where you are sitting at home watching television or reading a book… Suddenly in the dark tunnel of your mind, a light bulb is turned on as a thought or an idea crosses your mind. The thought catches your attention but seems so meaningless and you are tempted to discard it; but wait a minute! That thought could be the potential beginning of the success you have so much yearned for.

As you continue to mull over the thought, your mind becomes alert and you suddenly see a possibility, a realization, a solution, a conclusion, or find the answer to a problem whose solution has long eluded you. This becomes an AHA moment and everything freezes around you as you excitedly try to grasp the practicality of that little but powerful thought.

It is almost as if a divine being has whispered the perfect solution into your ear or awakened your senses to a new reality and brought illumination to your life. It is like finding the last piece of a jigsaw puzzle.

Your confidence and enthusiasm increases as you become conscious of the great possibilities that can arise if you acted upon that little thought. You become eager to build upon that thought and begin to write down any ideas that are streaming from that little thought for later review and action.

Seemingly meaningless little thoughts or ideas when acted upon have a potential to explode into great projects. You may have heard people say many times that, “it just came to me in a flash”. In a flash moment, many successful projects are born from the little positive thoughts that were carefully nurtured and recognized as tickets to great things.

Be alert! Don’t waste an opportunity to act on a potentially brilliant idea. You don’t have to wait for a major idea, a master strategy, or approval from your peers in order to act on your money making little thoughts.

That little thought or idea is the beginning of great things if you decide to follow it through.

Caroline is a life coach for women who are ready to take step towards living an exceptional life. She helps women strike the match that sets them ablaze to discover who they are, explore and expand on what they can do and take action to achieve their goals. Are you settling for less than you deserve because you are stuck or are you stuck because you are settling for less than you deserve? Send your responses to or visit

A Basic Introduction To Important Cosmic Laws

The Cosmic Law of thought

Is the Cosmic Law wherein energy follows thought. Wherever thought goes, energy will flow. Therefore, those who wish to energize need only to direct their thoughts toward that target which needs energizing.

The Law of Thought, combined with the Law of Co-creation is the answer to HOW and WHY Prayer and Healing works and How and WHY it only takes 144 human co-creating Lightworkers to quickly and easily CHANGE OUR WORLD -- vibration rate-wise, governmental-wise, political-wise, economic-wise, peace-wise poverty-wise, health-wise, medical-wise, education-wise, social order-wise, and any way, shape and form of otherwise without need for violence, conflict, judicial action or any current rational mind worldly way or system.

The Law of Information

Is that Cosmic Law which states that all information is energy and carries energy, and that all energy is information and carries information. The understanding of this Law explains the principles of the paranormal situation.

Those Lightworkers who appropriately apply these Cosmic Laws in a co-creative manner not only may, but CAN, rewrite past, present and future situations, conditions, lifestyles, environs and history for the body of humanity upon this planet and planet Earth as well. Keep in mind also: Whatever happens and /or is done here on planet Earth has an immediate and resultant influence and impact upon other areas throughout all vibratory realms of the material universe and the Universe of Spirit (anti-matter) as well. WHY? Because Planet Earth is a Universal Focal Point for Universal Creative Action based upon FREE WILL CHOICE!

Akasha is the indestructible eternal anti-matter spirit -energy body of the Supreme Creator, the fully aware Essence of all things, including the Creative Force Vibration aspects of all minds and thoughts. Akasha is always everywhere present, even into virgin void areas of consciousness whereon no creative force vibration has yet been etched . Akasha is ONE fully aware body of anti-matter bubbles of Spirit Energy, magnetically non-polarized until invoked quantum bubbles are activated and polarized for creative action. All things are Akashic Energy forms of expression. AKA-strings, or AKA-Cords tie all beings, created forms, thoughts, events, vibrations, imaginings together, thus making the actions of any one entity a reflected influence upon all other entities in and of Universal Consciousness, moment by moment, in an ever-present eternal timeless NOW. No action of mind or thought can be isolated, for all things are linked together in the tangled webs - the AKA-Cords of Mind.

The speed of thought is instantaneous. Distance is of no consequence. Why, because thought is energy and thought is information and wherever thought goes, energy flows. Energy follows thought and IS information , carried multi-dimensionally and interdimensionally, throughout the material universe and the ONE entire spirit body of fully aware akasha instantaneously via vibration resonance. This indicates why mental and holistic telepathy are reasonable and super methods of natural communication available at all times between entities, both here and hereafter.

Copyright 2006 - Len Hascall:

Originator of Vibration Science.
Power of the human mind - Unlock the power of the human mind to realise your full potential. Alternative science - Articles and news on alternative science subject matters.

Mind Power Games

Want a fun way to tune up your brain? Why not use some classic mind games to help you increase your brainpower and get you out of your thinking "ruts." Good mind games habituate you to using creative problem solving as a normal part of thinking about things.

One lateral thinking puzzle you can try right now involves nine dots, layed out three by three. You have to connect them all with four straight lines, and without lifting the pen or pencil from the paper. Figure this one out and you'll appreciate the expression "thinking outside of the box."

Mind Games For Groups

Some group mind games are especially good for long trips in a car. For example, someone looks out the window and randomly chooses an object. Everyone in the car then tries to imagine a new way to make money with it. Street signs become places to advertise, trees are sold with names, and a truck becomes a traveling grocery store.

The "change of perspective" technique can be used as a problem-solving game. Pick any topic, and see who can come up with the most unique new perspective. Could there be a world where jobs weren't necessary? How would a virus define morality if it was conscious?

Another creative game for a group uses a specific technique, called "concept combination." Simply combine random concepts or things in interesting ways, and see who has the best idea. A chair and a microwave? Maybe an easy-chair with a built-in cooler, microwave and television, or microwavable "couch potatoes" - a potato snack in the shape of a couch.

More Mind Games

Some lateral-thinking puzzles use a scenario, real or imagined, with a selection of things you have to use to accomplish something. Imagine a ping-pong ball in an iron pipe that's set in cement. The pipe sticks up two-feet high, and has almost the same diameter as the ball. With only a box of frosted-flakes, and a t-shirt, how many ways can you find to get the ball out of the pipe? You could also set this up for real, to know if a proposed solution will really work.

Riddles are just mind games or lateral-thinking puzzles. You move laterally in your mind, away from your usual line of thought, to solve a riddle. What did his friends do when the canibal was late for dinner? Gave him the cold shoulder. Keeping your brain in shape doesn't have to be a matter of serious study, does it?

Steve Gillman has been studying brainpower enhancement, creative problem solving, and related topics for years. You can visit his website, and subscribe to his free Mind Power Course, at:

Mind Over Matter

Mind over matter could mean the difference between winning and losing.

To be a winner you must think like a winner and believe with all your heart that you are a winner. If you have the slightest doubts as to your ability to win then forget about what ever project you are thinking about.

Your state of mind is the centre of your being, if you have a strong belief in yourself plus the desire to succeed you will succeed.

If you think you are beaten, you are,
If you think you dare not, you don't,
If you want to win but you think you can't,
It is almost certain you won't.

Mind over matter. If your thoughts run along those lines above you are a loser, and you will stay a loser, unless you take the decision to change your state of mind.

You might be at your wits end without a cent to your name and because of this state you are at a low ebb.

Your mind is telling you that you are finished and your life will never change for the better.

You must start off by realising that you have reached the bottom of the pit and the only way you can go now is up.

It may be slow, but it must be sure.

Start imagining that you have loads of money and work out what you will do with the money, straight away your mind will start lighten.

This is the day when you must take the decision to start on that road upwards.

You must desire something, and I mean really desire it. It might be a job, or a way to start making money, you need to get your self esteem back in order.

Start by believing in yourself, You are as good as the next person and if they can do it so can you. Get a pen and paper and sit down and write a list of all the things you can do and the things you think, you can do.

One of the easiest ways to get started for a man who is out of work and down to his last cent is this. ( this idea just sprang into my mind)

First of all spruce yourself up. If you feel good about yourself it will show through. Walk out of of your front door and take a stroll about your local neighbourhood or even a bit further.

Take note of the gardens in the area, many of them will be in need of a bit of care and attention due probably because the owners are working full time or to elderly to work in the gardens.

Jot down streets and numbers where you think the owners might appreciate some help.

When you have a reasonable list go home and begin working on leaflet you can easily deliver by hand.

You just need to say you are available for keeping gardens neat and tidy or any small odd jobs that require doing.

You do not have to be a landscape gardener or have any experience, just general common sense and the willingness to work is all that is needed.

You could make a starting out offer that can't be refused such as two hours work for the price of one for the first job.

As you know everyone is doing just that in a bid to win over the competition. You will not be in competition but it will show prospective employers that you are really willing and keen.

This may not be the start you imagined but remember from little acorns oak trees grow.

It could snowball and you could find yourself employing others to do the jobs while you sit at home doing the office work.

That is just an instance, an idea that sprang into my mind on how you could start from having nothing to building up a business.

These ideas can work if you really desire to become a man of substance, only you can make them work but you must have faith in yourself and believe you are a winner.

It is mind over matter, repeat these words daily till you really start to believe in them.

(My name is xxxxxx, I am a winner and I will succeed with anything I set my mind to, I am going to be a success and a leader of men.)

Repeat this to yourself two or three times a day until it is deeply embedded in your mind.

Keep looking at the list you have written on things you can do, or things you believe you can do and some idea will be born in your mind on what you should do.

Remember that saying, from little acorns huge oak trees grow. What ever you start even if it is not the sort of job you envisaged, like cleaning windows, walking dogs, baby sitting, doing odd jobs, cleaning cars, any thing that can be started from scratch without a cent in the kitty.

It can grow into a big concern if you believe you are a winner.

Sylvia White is a home business Mentor and webmaster of,,

The Easiest Way To Become a Billionaire

Once God was very happy with the hard work of his office-bearers and angels and he held a function to honour and award them. He said: In the next five minutes imagine in your minds the things you want to get, the powers you want to have and the traits you want to develop. You will be showered with all of them with my blessings. Immediately all of them closed their eyes and floated in the world of imagination freely and passionately. Their ecstasy of recreating themselves according to their wishes knew no bounds. What they thought they became and they got.

You will be very happy to know that Power of your mind can do the same miracle to change your life. God has also fitted the mind of the man with magical powers. You just need to learn how to use it with determination, diligence and persistence.


Every prominent psychologist of the world has said that you get in life what you think or focus on . William James, father of American psychology, said: ‘The greatest discovery of the 19th century was not in the realm of the physical sciences, but the power of the subconscious mind touched by faith. Any individual can tap into an eternal reservoir of power that will enable them to overcome any problem that may arise. All weaknesses can be overcome, bodily healing, financial independence, spiritual awakening, prosperity beyond your wildest dreams. This is the superstructure of happiness’.

What we attract in our life is in direct proportion to our thought pattern. What we think daily about our body, relations, work, business, money, materialistic things God showers on us. So many people pray to God to get certain things in life and wishes of many people are fulfilled. It is not a miracle but a scientific law. By praying to God daily we try to focus our energies towards an aim, and immediately law of attraction starts working. We can achieve any goal in our life, even become a billionaire.

Name any successful person in any field – Bill Gates, Dhirubhai Ambani (great Indian industrialist), John D. Rockefeller, Abraham Lincoln, George Bush, , Akio Morita (the man who built Sony), Mahatma Gandhi, Thomas Edison, Walt Disney, Ravindra Nath Tagore, Tolstoy, Lenin, Mao-tse-tung, Mohammed Ali (the greatest boxer), Sachin Tendulkar, Richard Branson (rags to riches business tycoon of UK), Azim Premji (richest man in India)– the list is endless – everybody intentionally or unintentionally used the same formula for success and achievement.

In one study, Australian psychologist Allen Richardson conducted an experiment with basketball players, dividing them into three groups A, B and C. He advised group A to practise free throws on a basketball court for 20 minutes a day. He advised group B not to practise at all. And group C was advised to mentally rehearse these throws for 20 minutes each day. At the end of the study group A improved their free throw ability by 25%. Group B, as expected, showed no improvement at all. Astonishingly group C improved by 24% (almost as much as Group A) although they had not even entered the basketball court. This experiment proved astonishing power of our mind on our performance.

This rule of the nature is both blessing and curse for human beings. It not only makes but mars many a career. You can compare it to the power of fire. Either convert it into a high-powered energy or destroy everything with it. If all sorts of negatives come in your mind you can never achieve anything worthy in your life. Law of attraction will start pulling negative things in your life. Therefore it is necessary to work intentionally to reformulate and recharge your thinking pattern. Redefine your vision about your future. Reset your priorities in life. Make yourself a positive thinker.


The story of two frogs will further explain the theory of positive psychology very effectively. Once two frogs fell into a big bucket filled with milk. To jump out of the basket was impossible. One frog was a negative thinker. He thought that it was the end of life. He would die soon. According to his negative vision he made his grave in the milk bucket. The other was a positive thinker. He decided to try his best to come out of the terrible mess. He continued swimming and knocking the basket. He became very tired but he didn’t lose hope. He thought he would find a way out soon. He had a positive vision. His goal was to go out of the basket and join the stream of fun-filled life again. He was determined and tried again and again. His positive thinking pattern and persistence was rewarded soon. His efforts stirred the milk for a long time and a ball of butter was formed in the milk. He rode that ball and jumped out of the basket.


So you get in life what you want or visualise. You have the choice. To recreate yourself like angels of God you have to adopt this three-pronged strategy: 1. Define your goals clearly, 2. Use autosuggestion, 3. Picturise your goals. Here is a very simple method to use this strategy. 1. DETERMINING GOALS: Take a few days to decide what you want to do in your life. Write your goals (two or three major goals only. If you can focus on one goal at a time it is better) on a paper and read this paper often. As soon as you write your goals you enter the top 5% section of the people. 95% people don’t know what their aims are so your success chances for a better life immediately increase. 2. AUTO-SUGGESTION: We also call it affirmation. Dose of daily affirmations keeps your mind positive and hopeful. You become focused and attract the same in your life. To become successful in life repeat this affirmation ten times in the morning and ten times before going to bed: ‘God has sent me in this world to become successful. I am achieving my goal’. 3. PICTURISATION: While repeating your affirmation see yourself in imagination becoming successful, achieving your goal.


(Prominent international Writer, Editor and Teacher) He has trained thousands of persons to get great jobs, improve personality and achieve goals in business. CEO: News of India Network Director: LSE-India (for Communication Skills and Personality Development) Editor: Winners' Delhi News.

Hot-selling Books written by Anandrahi : 1. Fire of Success in Your Mind, 2. Think Your Way to Wealth and Power , 3. Speak English and Influence People, 4. How to Become Rich Like Bill Gates, 5. Internet Business - Your Guide to Super Success The Writers Online - Submit Articles Earn Money

The Three Step Plan To Prosperity

You have $100 in your bank account, your rent is past due, your creditors are calling, your business is dwindling and to top it all off, someone sideswiped your car and now it won’t start.

And some self-help guru out there is telling you to look beyond appearances and KNOW that you have unlimited riches available to you RIGHT NOW.

Sure, it’s easy for them to say. They have thousands, even millions, of dollars in their accounts. They’re not screening their calls to avoid creditors, their businesses aren’t coming in red every month and their BMW’s are working fine. It’s easy to remain positive and feel wealthy when things are going well. But when life is pushing and pulling you from every direction, it seems utterly impossible.

If you really are infinitely wealthy and have an abundant source yearning to give you all the riches that is rightfully yours, why doesn’t it just deposit some into your bank account?

Are you ready to hear the answer? Let me warn you that my answer is the same one that you’ve heard over and over by those self-help gurus out there. So if you didn’t like hearing it from them, chances are you won’t like hearing it from me, either. Are you ready? Here goes.

The answer is because you are not letting it. Continuous focus on your lack of funds is creating further lack of funds to come to you.

There, now that wasn’t so bad, was it? With that said, allow me to offer you an alternative way to start letting it so you can receive all the riches that truly is yours.

If you want to be rich, it is ABSOLUTELY ESSENTIAL that you think only rich thoughts. Now, I’m not saying it’s easy. But neither is being broke every month, is it?

Maintaining consistent and focused thought is THE hardest work in life. To make matters worse, when all you see around you is contrary to the thought you are working to maintain, it seems ridiculously impossible.

It is at this point that most of us give up. We want so badly to believe in abundance but we feel broke, helpless and hopeless. No matter how hard we struggle to remain positive and think rich thoughts, the apparent reality of lack continues to haunt us. Our bank accounts continue to dwindle, bills continue to pile up and things keep happening that require additional money to be spent – money that we simply don’t have, no matter how hard we try to will it into our account.

So what do we do? How do we think rich thoughts when all around us we see lack?

Here is my simple Three Step Plan To Prosperity:

Pay attention to your thoughts.
Choose abundant thoughts, whether you believe them or not.
Repeat steps one and two as often as you can.


Our patterns of thinking are nothing more than conditioned responses; they are reactions based on repeated actions and have become habits. Many of us were taught lack in childhood, perhaps from our parents, our teachers, even our friends. Our thinking patterns often are leftover habits inherited from our parents and from their parents and on and on.

Have you ever noticed similar fears and phobias carried down generation after generation? If you see a mother deathly afraid of dogs, more often than not, you’ll see her child shrinking away when a dog is near. Have you ever told yourself you were not going to raise your children the way your parents raised you, only to wake up one day with the realization, “Oh my God, I’ve become my father?”

As children, we take on the thought patterns of our parents. We carry them into our adult lives and add to them by taking on the thought patterns of society.

What most of us fail to realize is that at any given moment, we have the power to shed the thought patterns which no longer serve us and create new ones.

In order to break a habit, you must pay attention to yourself. If you’re trying to quit smoking, for example, you have to notice each time you’re about to put a cigarette in your mouth. Once you become aware of the action you are about to take, you can make a different choice. If you don’t realize it, of course, there is nothing to stop you from lighting that cigarette.

Thought patterns can be broken the same way. Pay attention to your thoughts. Each time you realize you’re having thoughts of lack (Step 1), choose an abundant thought (Step 2).


If appearances contradict the abundant thoughts you want to choose and you don’t see how you could possibly believe them, choose them anyway. There is great power in repetition. Repeat something often enough to someone and they will start to believe it, no matter how adamant they were against it to begin with.

Remember, you are creating a new habit of abundance thinking. Habits are created by repetition, not by belief. I don’t know a single smoker who truly enjoyed their first puff of a cigarette. Most started in their teens to be cool, to fit in with their friends, and most absolutely hated the taste initially. But they kept at it, and a few gags and coughs later, it became enjoyable, a way to relax and de-stress. And more importantly, it became a habit.

Whether you believe the new thoughts of abundance or not is irrelevant. Whether what you see, hear and experience is contrary to the new thoughts is also irrelevant.

Step Two depends only on the continuous repetition of choosing abundant thoughts. Nothing else, including your doubt and disbelief, matters. You may disbelieve all you want, you may scoff with skepticism and ridicule, but you must continue to consciously choose abundant thoughts.


The power of repetition. Need I say more?

Most people give up after a day or so of trying Steps One and Two. Some even make it to an entire week before they get swept back into their old patterns of thinking and forget about the process entirely. Yet others will do it randomly as they are reminded of it, off and on for months, with little consistency and discipline.

Make no mistake about it, this is extremely hard work and only the most determined and committed will stick with it long enough for it to become a habit, to become engrained in their being where they no longer have to consciously work on it. That’s why Step Three is a crucial part of the process.

It is not enough to pay attention to one thought, choose a different one, and then go about the rest of your day (or your life!) on the old autopilot. If you feel your old autopilot has steered you well, if you are happy, rich and fulfilled, by all means, there is no need to do anything differently.

However, if you are sick and tired of being sick and tired and broke, I invite you to The Three Step Plan to Prosperity. Stick to it, keep at it and I promise you, your riches are just a thought pattern away. I’ll be waiting for you on the other side.

Teresa Franklyn is author and publisher of The Daily Dose, a popular inspirational online publication. Visit her at for more inspiring articles